Womb Detox Tea


Give your womb a royal treatment

– Allows for warmth of the womb to assist with the relief of menstrual pains and heavy flow.

– Helps with: Period Pain, Inflammation, Ovarian cysts, Yeast infection, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, thyroids, abnormal vagina discharge, burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination, smelling vaginal discharges, greyish, brownish, yellowish with odor, thrush, excessive bleeding, bleeding during and after sex, hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, low sexual appetite, infertility, warts or blisters, cervical erosion, annex inflammation, delays menopause, fallopian tube blockage, chronic pelvic pain

– Detoxes the womb and vagina to help with hormonal imbalances, dryness of skin, regulation of menstrual cycle, fertility issues and so much more.

Place 1 teabag in 250ml of hot water for 3-5mins. Sweeten with honey or sugar, if preferred.



A teabag of HygieneCo Womb Detox Tea is enough to be used for approximately two cups of tea. It is a unique, all-natural blend of nine essential herbs designed to cleanse the upper and lower intestines. The tea also aids in discarding of harmful toxins in the body and eliminating parasites. Just two to three cups of this mild tea on a daily basis can provide you with noticeable results you as a woman deserves.
It is important to note that a warm womb is one that receives adequate circulation (blood flow) to support its function; thus, creating a healthy uterine lining for implantation of an embryo and regular menstruation.

Main ingredients:
Longan, Red Dates, Chinese Wolfberry, Angelica, Sinensis, Dried Ginger, Roses, Peony Flowers

If there are sediments brewing do not worry, it is caused by the peeling of ingredients, so please enjoy your drink.

Includes (10 bags) 8g per teabag
Warning: not suitable for children or pregnant women



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